(function () { window.CanvasSizes = [ { width: 600, height: 400 }, { width: 900, height: 600 }, { width: 1200, height: 800 }, { width: 1800, height: 1200 }, ]; var lastComputed; var input = getInput(); var recomputeHandler = { handler: 'recompute', deep: true, }; var transientProperties = { costs: { attacker: { count: 0, cost: 0, }, defender: { count: 0, cost: 0, } }, showOptions: false, showHelp: false, computing: false, forceSlow: false, // do `app.forceSlow = true;` in developers console to force slow but robust calculation }; app = new Vue({ el: '#root', data: Object.assign(input, transientProperties), methods: { increment: function (unitInput) { unitInput.count++; }, decrement: function (unitInput) { unitInput.count = unitInput.count === 0 ? 0 : unitInput.count - 1; }, displayName: function (unitType) { if (unitType === UnitType.WarSun) return 'War Sun'; else if (unitType === UnitType.Ground) return 'Ground Force'; else return unitType; }, clear: function (side) { for (var unitType in UnitType) { this[SideUnits[side]][unitType].count = 0; this[SideUnits[side]][unitType].upgraded = false; } }, recompute: function () { this.tallyCosts(); this.computing = true; var self = this; persistInput(); // veeery poor man's background processing setTimeout(function () { // unfortunately some game aspects are hard to handle in the calculator var duraniumArmor = self.options.attacker.duraniumArmor || self.options.defender.duraniumArmor; var l1z1xFlagship = self.options.attacker.race === Race.L1Z1X && self.attackerUnits.Flagship.count !== 0 || self.options.defender.race === Race.L1Z1X && self.defenderUnits.Flagship.count !== 0; var letnevFlagship = self.options.attacker.race === Race.Letnev && self.attackerUnits.Flagship.count !== 0 || self.options.defender.race === Race.Letnev && self.defenderUnits.Flagship.count !== 0; if ((duraniumArmor || l1z1xFlagship || letnevFlagship) && self.battleType === BattleType.Space || self.forceSlow) lastComputed = imitator.estimateProbabilities(self); else lastComputed = calculator.computeProbabilities(self); self.displayDistribution(lastComputed); self.computing = false; }, 15); // number is magic. but at least the spinner has time to show up before calculation begins }, displayDistribution: function (solution) { drawChart(solution); drawTotalWinProbabilities(solution.distribution); return; function drawChart(solution) { var labels = []; var data = []; var dataLabels = []; var from = Math.min(-8, solution.distribution.min); var to = Math.max(8, solution.distribution.max); for (var i = from; i <= to; ++i) { labels.push(getLabel(i, solution.attacker, solution.defender)); if (i === 0) { data.push(solution.distribution.at(0) * 100); dataLabels.push(Math.round(solution.distribution.at(0) * 100).toString() + '%'); } else { data.push(solution.distribution.at(i) * 100); dataLabels.push(Math.round(solution.distribution.downTo(i) * 100).toString() + '%'); } } RGraph.clear(document.getElementById('chart-area')); RGraph.ObjectRegistry.Clear(); var line = new RGraph.Line('chart-area', data) .Set('labels', labels) .Set('chart.background.grid.vlines', true) .Set('chart.background.grid.autofit.numvlines', 1) .Set('chart.filled', true) .Set('chart.tickmarks', 'circle') .Set('chart.numxticks', 0) .Set('chart.ymax', Math.max.apply(null, data) * 1.08) .Set('chart.colors', ['rgba(200,200,256,0.7)']); if (to - from < 20) line.Set('chart.labels.ingraph', dataLabels); else line.Set('chart.tooltips', dataLabels); line.Draw(); function getLabel(i, attacker, defender) { if (i === 0) return '='; if (i < 0) { i = -i; if (i <= attacker.length) return attacker[i - 1]; else return ''; } else { if (i <= defender.length) return defender[i - 1]; else return ''; } } } function drawTotalWinProbabilities(distribution) { var attackerWinProbability = 0; var defenderWinProbability = 0; var drawProbability = distribution.at(0); for (var i = distribution.min; i < 0; i++) { attackerWinProbability += distribution.at(i); } for (var i = 1; i <= distribution.max; i++) { defenderWinProbability += distribution.at(i); } var canvas = document.getElementById('chart-area-overlay'); RGraph.clear(canvas); var context = canvas.getContext('2d'); var canvasWidth = canvas.width; var canvasHeight = canvas.height; context.font = 'bold 100px Arial'; context.fillStyle = 'rgba(256, 100, 100, 0.5)'; var roundedAttackerProbability = Math.round(attackerWinProbability * 100); context.fillText(roundedAttackerProbability + '%', canvasWidth / 12, 3 * canvasHeight / 4); context.fillStyle = 'rgba(100, 100, 256, 0.5)'; var roundedDefenderProbability = Math.round(defenderWinProbability * 100); context.fillText(roundedDefenderProbability + '%', 7 * canvasWidth / 12, 3 * canvasHeight / 4); if (drawProbability > .005 && (roundedAttackerProbability + roundedDefenderProbability) < 100 ) { context.font = 'bold 80px Arial'; context.fillStyle = 'rgba(160, 160, 160, 0.5)'; context.fillText(Math.round(drawProbability * 100) + '%', 5 * canvasWidth / 12, 3 * canvasHeight / 8); } } }, tallyCosts: function () { tally(this.costs.attacker, this.attackerUnits, this.options.attacker); tally(this.costs.defender, this.defenderUnits, this.options.defender); function tally(costs, units, sideOptions) { costs.count = 0; costs.cost = 0; for (var unitType in UnitType) { if (unitType === UnitType.PDS) continue; var counter = units[unitType]; costs.count += counter.count; costs.cost += (counter.upgraded && MergedUpgrades[sideOptions.race][unitType].cost || MergedUnits[sideOptions.race][unitType].cost) * counter.count; } } }, participates: function (battleSide, unitType) { var bombardmentPossible = this.defenderUnits.PDS.count === 0 // either there are no defending PDS || this.attackerUnits.WarSun.count !== 0 // or there are but attacking WarSuns negate their Planetary Shield || this.options.attacker.race === Race.Letnev && this.attackerUnits.Flagship.count !== 0; // Letnev Flagship negates Planetary Shield as well switch (unitType) { case UnitType.Flagship: return this.battleType === BattleType.Space || battleSide === BattleSide.attacker && (this.options.attacker.race === Race.Naalu || this.options.attacker.race === Race.Letnev && !this.options.defender.conventionsOfWar); case UnitType.WarSun: return this.battleType === BattleType.Space || battleSide === BattleSide.attacker && !this.options.defender.conventionsOfWar; case UnitType.Dreadnought: return this.battleType === BattleType.Space || battleSide === BattleSide.attacker && bombardmentPossible && !this.options.defender.conventionsOfWar; case UnitType.Cruiser: return this.battleType === BattleType.Space; case UnitType.Carrier: return this.battleType === BattleType.Space; case UnitType.Destroyer: return this.battleType === BattleType.Space; case UnitType.Fighter: return this.battleType === BattleType.Space || battleSide === BattleSide.attacker && this.options.attacker.race === Race.Naalu && this.attackerUnits.Flagship.count !== 0; case UnitType.Ground: return this.battleType === BattleType.Ground || this.options[battleSide].race === Race.Virus && this[SideUnits[battleSide]].Flagship.count !== 0; case UnitType.PDS: return this.battleType === BattleType.Space || battleSide === BattleSide.defender; } }, damageableCount: function (count) { var result = []; for (var i = 0; i <= count; i++) result.push(i); return result; }, }, watch: { 'options.attacker.race': resetUpdatesAndTechnologies('attacker'), 'options.defender.race': resetUpdatesAndTechnologies('defender'), 'options.attacker.publicizeSchematics': function (value) { this.options.defender.publicizeSchematics = value; }, 'options.defender.publicizeSchematics': function (value) { this.options.attacker.publicizeSchematics = value; }, 'options.defender.magenDefense': function (value) { if (value) this.options.defender.magenDefenseOmega = false; }, 'options.defender.magenDefenseOmega': function (value) { if (value) this.options.defender.magenDefense = false; else this.options.defender.hasDock = false; }, battleType: recomputeHandler, attackerUnits: updateDamageableCountAndRecomputeHandler('attacker'), defenderUnits: updateDamageableCountAndRecomputeHandler('defender'), options: recomputeHandler, canvasSize: function () { persistInput(); var self = this; if (lastComputed) this.$nextTick(function () { this.displayDistribution(lastComputed); }); }, forceSlow: recomputeHandler, }, computed: { technologies: function() { var result = []; var techKeys = Object.keys(Technologies); for (var i = 0; i < techKeys.length; ++i){ var tech = Technologies[techKeys[i]]; if (tech.limitedTo === BattleSide.attacker && (i + 1 < techKeys.length) && Technologies[techKeys[i+1]].limitedTo === BattleSide.defender){ // special collapsing of Ω techs into one row result.push({ pair: { [BattleSide.attacker]: { key: techKeys[i], option: Technologies[techKeys[i]], }, [BattleSide.defender]: { key: techKeys[i + 1], option: Technologies[techKeys[i + 1]], } }}); i++; } else { result.push({ key: techKeys[i], option: tech }); } } return result; }, raceTechnologies: function () { var attackerTech = RaceSpecificTechnologies[this.options.attacker.race] || {}; var defenderTech = RaceSpecificTechnologies[this.options.defender.race] || {}; var attackerTechKeys = Object.keys(attackerTech); var defenderTechKeys = Object.keys(defenderTech); var result = []; for (var i = 0; i < attackerTechKeys.length || i < defenderTechKeys.length; ++i) { var pair = {}; pair.attacker = i < attackerTechKeys.length ? { key: attackerTechKeys[i], option: attackerTech[attackerTechKeys[i]], } : stub(defenderTech[defenderTechKeys[i]].title); pair.defender = i < defenderTechKeys.length ? { key: defenderTechKeys[i], option: defenderTech[defenderTechKeys[i]], } : stub(attackerTech[attackerTechKeys[i]].title); result.push(pair); } return result; function stub(name) { return { key: '', option: { title: name, availableFor: function () { return false; } } }; } }, canvasWidth: function () { return window.CanvasSizes[this.canvasSize].width + 'px'; }, canvasHeight: function () { return window.CanvasSizes[this.canvasSize].height + 'px'; }, }, }); Vue.component('left-option', { props: ['optionName', 'option', 'options', 'side'], template: '
' + ' ' + ' ' + '
', }); Vue.component('right-option', { props: ['optionName', 'option', 'options', 'side'], template: '
' + ' ' + ' ' + '
', }); Vue.component('option-pair', { props: ['optionName', 'option', 'options', 'pair', 'visible'], template: '
' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + '
', }); Vue.component('help-mark', { props: ['option'], template: '
' + ' ' + '
', methods: { showHelp: function () { alert(this.option.title + ':\n' + this.option.description); } } }); app.recompute(); /** When the race changed from the race having an upgrade for the unit (eg Sol Carrier) * to the race not having such upgrade, input flag for the unit upgrade should be set to false */ function resetUpdatesAndTechnologies(battleSide) { return function (newRace, oldRace) { for (var unitType in UnitType) { var counter = this[SideUnits[battleSide]][unitType]; if (!upgradeable(newRace, unitType)) { counter.upgraded = false; } if (!damageable(newRace, unitType, counter.upgraded)) { counter.damaged = 0; } } if (RaceSpecificTechnologies[oldRace]) for (var tech in RaceSpecificTechnologies[oldRace]) this.options[battleSide][tech] = false; }; } function updateDamageableCountAndRecomputeHandler(battleSide) { return { handler: function () { for (var unitType in UnitType) { var counter = this[SideUnits[battleSide]][unitType]; counter.damaged = Math.min(counter.damaged, counter.count); } this.recompute(); }, deep: true } } function getInput() { return mergeDeep(getDefaultInput(), getPersistedInput()); function isObject(item) { return (item && typeof item === 'object' && !Array.isArray(item)); } function mergeDeep(target, ...sources) { if (!sources.length) return target; const source = sources.shift(); if (isObject(target) && isObject(source)) { for (const key in source) { if (isObject(source[key])) { if (!target[key]) Object.assign(target, { [key]: {} }); mergeDeep(target[key], source[key]); } else { Object.assign(target, { [key]: source[key] }); } } } return mergeDeep(target, ...sources); } } function getDefaultInput() { var result = { battleType: BattleType.Space, attackerUnits: {}, defenderUnits: {}, options: { attacker: { race: Race.Arborec, }, defender: null, }, canvasSize: 0, }; for (var technology in Technologies) { result.options.attacker[technology] = false; } for (var actionCard in ActionCards) { result.options.attacker[actionCard] = false; } for (var agenda in Agendas) { result.options.attacker[agenda] = false; } for (var promissory in Promissory) { result.options.attacker[promissory] = false; } result.options.attacker.riskDirectHit = true; result.options.defender = Object.assign({}, result.options.attacker); for (var unitType in UnitType) { result.attackerUnits[unitType] = { count: 0, upgraded: false, damaged: 0 }; result.defenderUnits[unitType] = { count: 0, upgraded: false, damaged: 0 }; } return result; } function persistInput() { if (localStorage) { var inputToSave = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(input)); for (var viewOnlyProperty in transientProperties) { delete inputToSave[viewOnlyProperty]; } localStorage.setItem('ti4calc/input', JSON.stringify(inputToSave)); return true; } return false; } function getPersistedInput() { if (!localStorage) return null; var resultString = localStorage.getItem('ti4calc/input'); if (!resultString) return null; var result = JSON.parse(resultString); for (var unitType in UnitType) { // because previous published version didn't have already damaged units, persisted input might miss these fields result.attackerUnits[unitType].damaged = result.attackerUnits[unitType].damaged || 0; result.defenderUnits[unitType].damaged = result.defenderUnits[unitType].damaged || 0; } return result; } })();